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How To Integrate Google Maps in Angular with Angular Google Maps 2022

Angular Google Maps (AGM) provides a set of functions for implementing Google Maps API. In this tutorial, we will integrate the google map in the angular project step by step.

1. Let's install @angular/cli package.

npm install -g @angular/cli

 2. Create a new angular project.

ng new angular-google-maps

3. Install @agm/core package inside the project.

npm install @agm/core@1.1.0

Note:- Latest version of @agm/core has a few bugs also it's in the beta state. so install version 1.1.0.

4. Install @types/googlemaps package.

npm install --save-dev @types/googlemaps

5. Open and update "types" property to  ["googlemaps"] inside compilerOptions.

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./out-tsc/app",
    "types": ["googlemaps"]
  "files": [
  "include": [

Note:- If you got "Generic type ‘ModuleWithProviders‘ requires 1 type argument(s)” error. then add "skipLibCheck": true  inside compilerOptions.

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./out-tsc/app",
    "types": ["googlemaps"],
    "skipLibCheck": true
  "files": [
  "include": [

6. Open app.module.ts and import AgmCoreModule

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AgmCoreModule } from '@agm/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; 

  declarations: [
  imports: [
      apiKey: 'Your Google API Key'
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Note:- Don't forget to update your Google API Key.

7. Open styles.css  file and add this css.

agm-map {
  height: 400px;

Note:- It is really important that you define the height of agm-map. Otherwise, you won't see a map on the page.

8. Open app.component.ts and add this code.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  zoom: number = 15;
  lat: number = 28.626137;
  lng: number = 79.821603;
  lastInfoWindow: any;

  markers: any[] = [
      lat: 28.625485,
      lng: 79.821091,
      label: { color: 'white', text: 'P1' },
      draggable: true
      lat: 28.625293,
      lng: 79.817926,
      label: { color: 'white', text: 'P2' },
      draggable: false
      lat: 28.625182,
      lng: 79.814640,
      label: { color: 'white', text: 'P3' },
      draggable: true

  markerClicked(marker: any, index: number, infoWindowRef: any) {
    if (this.lastInfoWindow) {
    this.lastInfoWindow = infoWindowRef;
    console.log(marker, index);

  mapClicked($event: any) {
      lat: $,
      lng: $event.coords.lng,
      draggable: true

  markerDragEnd($event: any, index: number) {

9. Open app.component.html and add this code.

<h1 class="text-center">Angular Google Maps</h1>


		*ngFor="let marker of markers; let i = index"
		(markerClick)="markerClicked(marker, i, infoWindowRef)"
		(dragEnd)="markerDragEnd($event, i)">

    <agm-info-window #infoWindowRef>
		<b>{{}},  {{marker.lng}}</b>



Note:- you can easily add/remove markers. also, you can pass additional properties in the marker object based on your requirement.

(a). Add a marker

    lat: 28.625043,
    lng: 79.810135,
    label: { color: 'white', text: 'P4' },
    draggable: true

(b). Remove a marker

Example:- Remove P4 marker

this.markers = this.markers.filter((marker: any) => marker.label.text != 'P4');

(c). Update marker properties

Example:- Update P4 marker

const index = this.markers.findIndex((marker: any) => marker.label.text == 'P4');
if (index != -1) {
   this.markers[index]= { ...this.markers[index], lng: 28.625019, lat: 79.808296 };

10. Finally run the project.

ng serve --o

it will open http://localhost:4200 in the browser.


(a). Reverse Geocoding

getAddress(lat: number, lng: number) {
    const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
    const request: any = {
      latLng: latlng
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      geocoder.geocode(request, results => {
        results.length ? resolve(results[0].formatted_address) : reject(null);

You can use this function by passing lat and lng.

async mapClicked($event: any) {
    console.log($, $event.coords.lng)   
    const address = await getAddress($, $event.coords.lng)

Checkout my full angular-google-maps example.

If you facing any issues. don't hesitate to comment below. I will be happy to help you.


How To Integrate Google Places Autocomplete in Angular 2022

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