How to Generate Access Key ID and Secret Access Key Of AWS Account 2023
In this article, we gonna learn, how to generate AWS credentials step by step.
1. Go to and login into your account.
2. After login click on top(username) then click on Security credentials

3. Next, On the sidebar click on Users then click on Add users

4. Next, Enter your User name then click on the next button.

5. Next, Click on Attach policies directly and search S3 in the Filter distributions. After that select AmazonS3FullAccess permission then click on the next button.

6. Next, Click on Create user, after that you will redirect to the listing page.

7. On the listing page click on your username.

8. Next, Click on Security credentials

9. Next, Click on Create access key

10. Next click on Other option.

11. Next, Click on Create access key

11. Finally copy/download your Access key and Secret access key after that click on Done

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